Good Horsemanship

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Not Forever

I have some questions.

If a horse knew the first time a rider got on its back it was only for a short time, would it buck? If it knew the first time somebody snugged a girth that it was not forever, would it have a meltdown? If a horse knew the first time we asked anything was only very temporary - go into a trailer or pick up a foot or be separated from a friend or taken on a trail - would it be as worried as they often are?

If you believe the answer is NO, how can we help our horse understand that anything we do that may worry them is not forever?

I know this a vague question that has many answers and a lot of them end with the words "it depends". However, I believe that an important consideration in training is to help a horse a understand that anything that we do that concerns it is not forever. It's part of building confidence - first in us, then themselves.

How do we help a horse understand that even the hardest tasks we ask of it is not forever?

Do you think this horse would pull back so hard if it knew that standing tied up was not forever?