Good Horsemanship

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When I Am Made Emperor of the Universe

I had an encounter a few weeks ago that bothered me a lot and even resulted in a disagreeable disagreement with an owner. Since then the incident has plagued my mind and I feel the need to vent briefly about things that bother me that horse owners do.


I know we all love horses. But I also appreciate that we all love them for different reasons. We have our agendas when it comes to our reasons for why we have horses. It’s not for me to point fingers and lay down the law as to what are good reasons and what are bad ones. However, I am about to itemize some practices that “horse lovers” do that I feel questions their concern for their horses' welfare.


I am happy to admit from the outset that this is a brief and incomplete list and that it probably reflects more about my prejudices and bigotry than from a thorough understanding of the subject. There may be a few horses where there is a legitimate reason for the choices, but if it gets people thinking and talking about some of them, I’m okay about putting my head on the chopping block.


So here goes my list of how things will be different when I am made Emperor of the Universe.


* All horses should have companionship. No horse should live in isolation because they evolved to live in a community for safety. I would not own a horse if it was not possible for it to live among other horses – this includes stallions.


* All horses should live in enough space to play and run. Again, if this were not possible I would not own a horse.


* Rugs (blankets) should not be used on horses when the ambient temperature is about 13C (55F). Studies have shown that the thermoneutral temperature of horses is between 5C and 12C. I accept there may be exceptions such as a horse being suddenly moved from a hot climate to a cold climate without acclimatization or where there is no shelter from wind and rain or to protect from biting insects.


* A total ban on the docking of tails and ears. This should need no explanation.


* A horse can not be shown in a breed class unless is has proven success in a performance.


* A ban on the trimming of whiskers. Whiskers are sensory organs and should not be trimmed.


* The decision to shoe a horse or leave it barefoot should be made based on the comfort of the horse and not on any ideological dogma.


* Horses should be trained in either a bitless bridle or a comfortable snaffle. They should not progress to a more severe device until it is proved they don’t need it. If you need a stronger bit to make a horse responsive to the reins, then they are not ready to be ridden with a stronger bit.


* Horses should not be ridden with spurs until it is proved they don’t need them. If you need spurs to make a horse respond to the rider’s leg, then they are not ready to be ridden with spurs.


* Horses should not be shown in a breed or halter class until it has proven success in a performance class. What is the purpose of breeding pretty horses that can’t perform?


* Horses should not be started under saddle until at least 3 years of age and no horse should be entered for performance competition until at least 5 years of age (including racing).


* There should be a total ban on any discipline with a high probability of injury eg, bullfighting, racing.


* A horse should not be routinely made to lay down to subjugate it. It should only be used in rare cases as a method of last resort.


*Driving horses around in a yard to subjugate them should be banned.


*The only Golden Rule is that there are no Golden Rules.


There is no doubt this is a very incomplete list, but the point is not to provide you with a list of steps to live by. For me, the thing they all have in common is they each benefit the welfare of horses.


I simply want to inspire you to think about what items might go on your list for when you are made Emperor of the Universe and wish to make horse’s lives better.