
The Tipping Point

The tipping point is different for each relationship. But when you are struggling to get along with a horse, it’s the point where you transition from rough seas to smooth waters. On the other side of the tipping point is what brings happiness to the relationship and not just tolerance. It’s where the partnership begins. In this place, the reasons for becoming a better horse person go beyond winning ribbons or creating submission or even staying safe. The reasons become about sharing time and adventures with a friend that is like no other friend you have.

Challenges Make For Better Relationships

If we truly want to develop the best relationship possible with a horse it does not come from protecting them from trouble. It doesn’t come from allowing the no-go areas of our relationship to linger. It comes from facing the things that create anxiety and stress in a horse and ensuring the horse comes out the other side with a good experience and feeling better. Then we look like the good guy and the best friend he could ever have. The best relationships are born from human and horse solving problems together.

Horse Making A Decision

Horse Making A Decision

Horses speak silently, but communicate loudly.

Some people believe horses do not process thoughts and make choices based on their thoughts. In this video I break down the decision making process my mare, Six experiences when making a decision. I hope it helps people become more aware of how busy their brains are and how to better read their thoughts.

Letting Horses Make Decisions

When I was first starting to learn about horses and horsemanship, my teachers all had rules that I was meant to follow. I was to mount from the left of the horse. I was to lead a horse from my right. I was to ask a horse to pick up its feet by pinching the chestnut. When there was a disagreement with a horse I was to always make sure I won. If a horse turned its tail towards me I had to always correct it. A horse should not be allowed to stop when it had a bathroom moment.