I see so many horses that are very obedient but carry inner turmoil because so much of what they do carries the burden of anxiety. Their obedience only exists as a means of escaping trouble.
Horse Making A Decision
Horses speak silently, but communicate loudly.
Some people believe horses do not process thoughts and make choices based on their thoughts. In this video I break down the decision making process my mare, Six experiences when making a decision. I hope it helps people become more aware of how busy their brains are and how to better read their thoughts.
Letting Horses Make Decisions
When I was first starting to learn about horses and horsemanship, my teachers all had rules that I was meant to follow. I was to mount from the left of the horse. I was to lead a horse from my right. I was to ask a horse to pick up its feet by pinching the chestnut. When there was a disagreement with a horse I was to always make sure I won. If a horse turned its tail towards me I had to always correct it. A horse should not be allowed to stop when it had a bathroom moment.