Old Men and Horses

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Old Men and Horses


I have compiled a series of short stories into a two-volume set of books. The books are set in a riding school in Sydney, Australia. They follow the growth of myself as a teenage boy into the world of horses and horsemanship under the guidance of two old laconic brothers.

Some readers may be familiar with the characters of Walt and Amos through my stories published in Chaff Chat. They do their best to impart their knowledge about working with horses to a very naïve young man who is sometimes slow to understand. Nevertheless, the twin brothers never try to impose their way on their young pupil. Instead, they help me in the same way they help horses. They share their knowledge in a way that is meant to stimulate each of us to think about what we do and why we do it when working with horses. There is no force, no lecturing and no judgments made of either people or horses.

The stories both educate and entertain with humour, drama and poignancy. In the wisdom of Walt and Amos there is something for everybody no matter your level of expertise or your favourite equine pursuit.

Real characters and real events inspire all the stories even if the details may have been altered for the sake of a good story. These books are for all of us who strive to be better with our horses.

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