I was asked at a clinic for my thoughts on using ear bonnets for horses that are sensitive to noises or struggle to remain calm in windy weather.

Many people use ear bonnets or ear plugs to muffle noise while improving focus and reducing stress in horses that are sensitive to noise. They are very common at horse competitions and a lot of people swear they help the performance of their horses.

I have never used ear bonnets or plugs, but this is how I answered the question at the clinic.

I am a trainer. What I do is train horses and teach people to train their horses. Ear bonnets have nothing to do with training. They are no more a training device than magnesium supplementation, intended to dull a nervous horse, is a training aid.

If you have a horse that is dangerous to ride when exposed to wind or noises, I understand the attraction of a device like an ear bonnet. They negate the need for us to step up and be better trainers. I get that. Perhaps in some cases, they can be used as a stepping stone in the training process to help a horse overcome its sensitivity to noises. I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is I can understand their temporary use in the training ring.

But the fact that they are allowed in competition events is nothing short of a disgrace. Any performance competition should be a showcase of the quality of a horse’s training. If a horse can only give its best when a device like ear bonnets ear plugs are fitted then the training is lacking. It would be like the Tour de France allowing training wheels on bicycles.