Solly Figures Out Western Saddles

This is from the most recent clinic I finished yesterday. The horse is Solly who is a 3 1/2 year old. This is the second clinic in 5 weeks that I worked with Solly. Originally it was intended that I would get him started under saddle for Lorena Russell. However, on the first day Lorena and I agreed he would benefit greatly from another 6 to 12 months of maturing - physically, mentally and emotionally - before he becomes a riding horse.

So I worked him for a couple of sessions at the clinic and introduced him to a western saddle for the first time. He was quite bothered at first and you can see how I applied different approaches to help him feel okay. This is just an assortment of excerpts of that session.

I will be editing video of all the work I did with Solly over the several days that will be posted on my membership site in the next couple of weeks (once I get some time at home).

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A huge thanks for Lorena Russell for hosting the clinic and to Anna Nemes for shooting the video.