Every horse is a horse. They are not showjumpers or carriage horses or plough horses or gaited horses. Every horse is a horse and that should be good enough.
This principle is an important consideration when working any horse. We should always ask what does a horse understand by our feel? If it has no understanding we should consider approaching its education differently than if it has a faulty understanding.
I look back now at what the old man did and feel ashamed that at the time I never appreciated my good fortune at having Walt and Amos in my life. The way they guided and guarded me was enough to make a fellow think they cared.
I didn’t have much to do with Moz in the coming months, but would occasionally see Walt take him out on a trail ride or play with kneeling him down or load him onto the old truck. I never really thought much at all about Moz until one day Walt approached me about him.