When I was a young fellow I would try to go to jumping clinics, eventing clinics, and dressage clinics, but it never occurred to me to enrol in a horsemanship clinic.
I recall an interview with a racehorse trainer in Hong Kong. He was asked what made the horses run so fast. He replied they ran fast because of their fear.
I sometimes explain to students that the simple difference between me as their teacher and them as the student is that I have spent a few more thousand hours working a few more thousand horses and making a few more thousand mistakes.
We all have the same alpha helix DNA made up of the same four base pairs. The arrangement of the base pairs may vary slightly from person to person but we are all essentially the same when broken down into our elements.
We should believe what we believe because we have been reasoned into it and not just accepted somebody else’s truth. Being reasoned into belief of our principles means we can be reasoned out of them when we discover they are wrong or some better ideas surface.